Turkey vultures are actually cool as hell and a keystone species, but I'll leave them to the sanctuaries, which don't just exist to fix and release, but care for the birds that some asshole human decided to own, got them imprinted on humans, and then dumped them. They CAN'T survive in the wild anymore, after human interference. I met one, at a rescue, with that issue, and he was SO COOL (his name was Sashimi! ❤️). But also, they were caring for him and presenting him as an ambassador for education, because he literally can't survive on his own anymore and they need funds for their non-profit so they can continue to aide and educate.

They had a Golden Eagle, by the way, as an ambassador, too, because she had been hit by a car and so was blind in one eye. She has a home forever, with the right people, but I wouldn't want to own her. Her claws can literally break bones; the rescue guy holding her, even with a glove, was noticably trying to hide his cringes from her weight and strength. I donated all my cash and my husband's cash to their cause, very impressed and supportive of them, but there's a reason you can't legally buy one, they're not nor should be domesticated!

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One of the rehabbers in NH is a licensed falconer and specializes in rehabbing raptors. You can go and watch her release the birds when they're rehabbed. Coolest thing ever.

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Laughs and warm fuzzies. Love your family!!

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